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Doula Ayelet

Inducing childbirth

Regarding the process of induction, it involves artificially starting or stimulating contractions in the uterus to kickstart labor. This can be achieved through various methods, such as administering synthetic hormones like oxytocin, breaking the water, or using prostaglandin medications to soften and ripen the cervix. During induction, your healthcare provider will monitor your progress and your baby's wellbeing closely, using tools like electronic fetal monitoring and frequent cervical checks to ensure that the labor is progressing as it should. If complications arise, your healthcare provider may recommend interventions like assisted delivery with forceps or a vacuum, or even a cesarean section. It's important to note that induction does carry certain risks and is not without its drawbacks. For example, it can increase the risk of fetal distress, infection, and the need for interventions like forceps or a cesarean delivery. It can also make contractions more intense and painful, and may lead to a longer labor overall. As with any medical decision during pregnancy and childbirth, it's important to discuss the risks and benefits of induction with your healthcare provider and make an informed choice based on your individual situation and preferences.

Introduction, how does it work?

Induction always takes place in the hospital, under the supervision of a clinical midwife and an obstetric nurse. The gynecologist is present in the background and can be called in immediately when needed.

Before the introduction you will have a check-up. The midwife checks your condition and your baby. He/she will also explain how an introduction works and will do an internal examination.

Sometimes it can take a while before you give birth.

If the cervix is ​​not quite ready yet, the induction is started with vaginal tablets or a balloon catheter (a balloon that is inflated in your cervix). This causes an increase in the hormones (prostaglandins) that ensure that the cervix ripens. That in turn means that it becomes thinner and shorter, so that it can open.

If the cervix is ​​more mature, you are often slightly dilated (1-2 centimetres), and then the introduction is started by the artificial rupture of membranes by the obstetrician or other healthcare provider. Sometimes it can take a while before you give birth.

What happens during an introduction?

· A conversation with the obstetrician or gynecologist in the hospital, during which it is examined how "ripe" your cervix is.

· Induce by means of vaginal tablets or gel (prostaglandins) or by means of a balloon, if your cervix is ​​not yet "ripe".

· Start contractions (synthetic oxytocin), CTG registration and possibly skull electrode on your child and a pressure gauge on yourself (internally in your vagina)

· If your uterus is already a little dilated, your water will be broken. The purpose of the balloon is to open an unopened uterus. After that, the membranes are often broken.

· After that there are two options: Either you wait until your body starts to make contractions on its own or you get contraction inducers (synthetic oxytocin).

· Initiation of contractions is often done by means of an intravenous drip. A needle is then inserted into a blood vessel in your hand or forearm and a thin tube is connected to it. A pump puts the medicines (synthetic oxytocin) into your blood, via the drip, to start the contractions. The drugs are increased incrementally. Usually the contractions start then gradually.

Checking your baby during induction

During an induction, your baby's heart rate and condition will be monitored with a CTG. This can be done externally, through the abdomen. Sometimes this does not work well and a wire (skull electrode) is attached to the child's head to measure the baby's heartbeat. This is done through an internal examination. For this, all your waters must be broken or they will be broken.


How long does induction take?

The course of an introduction can vary greatly in terms of duration. If your cervix is ​​immature at the internal examination, the induction may take several days. If the induction starts with the rupture of the membranes, your baby will often be born within 24 hours.

After starting the introduction, your delivery can, proceed in the same way as a 'normal' delivery. The contractions gradually become more intense and painful. You have the freedom to handle the contractions in your own way. The birth of your baby and the placenta are no different either.

When the cervix is ​​more mature, dilation often goes faster. Also, the birth of a second or subsequent child usually takes place sooner than that of the first. With an introduction with prostaglandins (vaginal tablets or gel), there are often first many hard painful bellies without these being real dilation contractions.

Your birth bubble.

Make sure you create an atmosphere in which you would like to give birth. Bring atmosphere makers, such as LED candles, a cord with Christmas lights and a diffuser. Dim the light to stimulates the production of melatonin, a hormone that you also produce when you go to sleep. This in turn ensures that you can relax better and that you get good dilation contractions. Melatonin also stimulates the production of endorphins.You can also bring personal stuff blanket, pillow, affirmation cards.

Disadvantages of induction

Your body is “not ready yet”. The synthetic oxytocin gives you contractions, but because the synthetic molecule is too large to penetrate your brain barrier, your body produces less or no endorphins (the body's own painkiller).

Your body isn't ready yet.

In addition, the hospital has a protocol that determines how often the infusion is increased and at what time. This can cause pressure and is not always tailored to your body, nor needs. One procedure often results in several interventions. For example, the chance of a cut is greater after induction.

You can also end up in an 'unnatural' storm of contractions after induction, which makes the delivery more difficult. Women often feel like it happens to them and can no longer experience a connection with their body.

Natural way of induction

There are also more natural ways to induce labour. Think of:

· Massage

· Acupuncture

· Orgasms

· Homeopathy

· Certain oils such as: Castor oil, Evening primrose oil and Primrose oil Certain foods are also known to induce labor, such as pineapple, bananas and raspberry leaf tea.

· Basil, liquorice and dates can also help.

At the end

75% of women who do not opt ​​for an induction at 41 weeks give birth spontaneously before 42 weeks. Some women are fine carrying longer, if you or your partner was born after a pregnancy of more than 41 weeks, there is a greater chance that your baby will do the same.

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